The Current Impacts and Future of….

AI Generated Artwork

A Twitter Data Analysis Study
assessed by Jessica Franco, William Kegelmeyer, Alex Yoo, Deborah Lee, Stephanie Chung

“AI generated art at UCLA” -Stable Diffusion

An analysis and narrative look at the surrounding concerns and rising popularity of AI generated artwork usage amongst Twitter users

“A digital humanities professor teaching at UCLA” – DALL-E 2

Meet The Team

Each team member contributed to the project based on their technical skills and interests in various aspects of our topic. Portions of the project were delegated or voluntarily worked on by each individual, but all members contributed to data collection, data manipulation, visualizations, literature research, and writing.

Why are you interested in AI generated artwork?

Deborah Lee

3rd Year

“I first was exposed to AI artwork through a filter on TikTok, and thought it was extremely cool technology. Wanted to explore the implications of this technology because as someone interested in design, I admire the abilities of human artists immensely.”

Jessica Franco

Cognitive Science
3rd Year

“I encountered AI artwork on social media through memes, and a vast portion of digital artists were trending with anti-AI artwork sentiment in their captions.”

William Kegelmeyer

Political Science
3rd Year

“I chose AI Art because I had seen discourse about it on Twitter and wanted to learn more about the technicalities of it. I think it opens up an interesting conversation surrounding artistic ownership.”

Stephanie Chung

Cognitive Science
2nd Year

“I have been fascinated by the emerging field of AI Art, and thus wanted to explore the further into this particular topic in relation to social media”

Alex Yoo

Cognitive Science
3rd year

“As someone passionate
about art, design, and
technology, AI generated artwork and its implications within various fields snagged
my interest immediately.”
